Family Programme

The Family Rehab Program, from Verve Healthcare Clinics

Because end-to-end rehab from addiction should include your family, too.

Workshops, Sessions, Interviews and Counselling

As well as offering a constructive aftercare programme designed to ease your transition back into everyday life, we also offer ongoing support. There are sessions specifically aimed at avoiding relapses, at stress management on the long term, and even for setting new life goals to work towards.

A drink, drug, or behavioural, addiction extends into every area of your life. It starts as something small, a hidden use here and there, but pretty soon it evolves into daily use, before breakfast, before you can even talk to your family. 

Verve Family Rehab

Drug, drink, and behavioural addictions can extend into your working life, killing off a career in mere moments. It can hurt your social life, losing you friends and even family members… worst of all, it can force your family to turn their backs on you and simply walk away.

No family member wants to be this way, but people come with expectations. They come with hopes, and fears, and emotions that you, as an addict, don’t consider. When you push them far enough, the door will be closed to you and that family member will no longer offer you support. When this happens, it is one of the most heart-breaking things you can experience as an addict and, more often than not, it sends you into a downward spiral, ultimately making your own addiction problems worse.

Which brings us to the one area of your life that struggles most with drug, drink, or behavioural addictions… Your family. They watch you go from happy, healthy, and full of life, to someone who is a shadow of their former selves. They often support you through it, sometimes mistakenly giving you financial help in the belief that it will make you get better. Really, you take the money, can’t resist spending it on your addiction, and end up that little bit worse off. On top of feeling bad about squandering the money, you then don’t have the cash for what you needed it for to begin with. There is only so much of this type of behaviour that your family members can take.

Now imagine if you are a single mother with an addiction issue. You forget to balance the bills and the children suffer. You might even make sure the children are always safe – but then never have a spare penny because the rest goes on drink or drugs. Children living in this environment will suffer, regardless of the steps you take to protect them. Being the child of an addict is difficult, they will grow up quickly… and if you are unlucky, they might even follow in your footsteps.

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“Bespoke rehab recovery, from Verve Healthcare, was like being at a five star resort while I quit cocaine.”

Verve Family Rehab

Since all of this is a too-often repeated story in Britain, we wanted to address it specifically, using our stylish rehab clinics. Here at Verve Healthcare, we offer a bespoke recovery and treatment program that covers a multitude of the different facets of addiction. One of those facets is your family, mending broken bridges, and trying to get them to forgive and move on from a pock-marked past.

We offer several different treatments, workshops, and therapies, here at Verve Healthcare rehab clinics in the UK, but our family program is one of our highly requested workshops. Each and every addict that we treat here has the same issues with their family.

The family members feel taken advantage of and hurt by your past actions – but rehab should be a place where you reconnect, where past mistakes are forgiven, and where your family learns to communicate in a more effective way.

Of course we incorporated a family program in our treatment plans… family can be your biggest motivator to recover and get off drink or drugs. You just have to make sure that those relationships are intact.

Here at Verve Healthcare rehab clinics, we hold family sacred… and we appreciate it when our clients do too. To this end, we put together a high-quality rehab family program, capable of mending damaged bonds and regaining some of that trust that addiction has worn away.

If you would like to engage with our family program as part of your rehab treatments, you can call us right this second. We can be reached on >0203 955 7703, or through our contacts page. We are eager to get you off drink or drugs and back to a happy, healthy life – but we are also eager to establish a support network for you to go home to, when you leave our care.

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What’s a Support Network?

Your support network is made up of people from all areas of your life. They represent the people you call in a crisis, that understand your situation, and that are warm, welcoming, and non-judgemental. They should be people who, above everything else in your life, make you feel safe. When you are with them you should be able to talk freely. Some of them might be friends, some might be colleagues, and some could even be other addicts that you have met through fellowship meetings or group therapy, here at Verve Healthcare rehab clinics. You should be careful of leaning too heavily on other addicts, though. Their situation is just as precarious as your own and nobody wants to be leaned on so hard that they break themselves.

Your family make for an excellent support network because some of them are likely to live in the same house as you. If you are going home to an empty house after rehab for drugs or alcohol, we would always advise that you stay with a friend or family member, instead. This gives you at least one point of human contact that can remind you to do things you used to do by yourself, before you were an addict. This might include things like washing, eating, or remembering to shop for groceries.

The importance of the people that support you at your lowest point is phenomenal. It should never be forgotten. When you are back on your feet, make sure you pass that care and attention onto those who seek similar help from you in the future.

The Family Program in Verve Healthcare Rehab Clinics

Verve Family Rehab

The family program we offer is tailored towards mending broken and strained bonds and getting that family support system back in place. Your family are the thing that will stop you reverting back to drink or drug abuse, should they be equipped to handle life with a recovering addict… and that’s what our family program is all about.

When you live with an addict that is in recovery from drugs or alcoholism in the UK, you are forced to make allowances for them. It can be loud, ugly, and even a little aggressive. If your family can’t cope with this, they might well abandon you. Likewise, they might not be prepared to support you at all – in which case our program will go some way towards making amends.

What’s included in the Family Program?

Our family program is focused on the recovery of the addict we are treating. We will offer a number of services to ensure that they are given as warm a welcome at home as we can manage. To do this, we combine a number of treatments into the family rehab program. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Psychotherapy for all involved – your family will see a specialist councillor as one unit. You will be encouraged to air grievances and get them out of the way. After a few sessions, you should feel you have reached a ‘clean slate’ point, where you can start to heal together.
  • Family team building activities – it may be that your family loves animals and a trip to the stables is in order. It could be that you all adore sports, and some team games are needed. However we do it, we will try to remind your family that they are a unit, a team, and better with each other than without.
  • Trauma, grief, or bereavement counselling are all offered within our rehab establishments in England.
  • Trust workshops – your family will be encouraged to take part in many trust building exercises, each focused on getting them back to better standing with one another.
  • Holistic features – we have several holistic therapies that your family can take advantage of during our rehab for family programme. We can de-stress, motivate, build self-esteem, or relax with acupuncture. We can teach meditation and mindfulness or learn about Body Maps.

The bottom line here is that we go above and beyond the call of duty in order to provide our clients (and their families!) with the very highest quality of care. From stylish rooms to lavish menus, we can help you recover from any addiction in safety, serenity, and sanctuary.

Verve Healthcare Rehab Clinics

Here at Verve Healthcare rehab clinics we specialise in lavish care, luxurious rooms, and suites good enough for celebrities… we then extend this to those who can only afford budget rehab services. We try to make our five-star rehab service in England as affordable as possible… and we extend our warm welcome to both you and the family members around you.

To get started with our family program, call us now, on 0203 955 7703. We have a room ready for you and a family counsellor who is eager to help. Call soon… we have the ability to change your whole life for the better.

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