Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Dealing with cocaine addiction can be tedious, and so can the withdrawal symptoms. Enduring withdrawal symptoms often feels like a challenge, but once you overcome this stage in your recovery, you can spend time getting back to your once-healthy self. Cocaine is a harsh drug, used by many. It’s highly addictive and using the drug comes with an array of negative effects on both your physical and mental health.

Substance abuse can kill. Taking cocaine, whether it be in small or large doses, is extremely dangerous. Users are able to feel the effects of cocaine relatively quickly, but they aren’t as intense after a few hours; this encourages addicts to take more cocaine. More often than not, cocaine users are unaware of their addiction. When you go through withdrawal, intense cocaine cravings are expected. The best step to take in regard to cocaine addiction is attending a rehabilitation centre.

During rehab, you’ll be monitored by medical professionals whilst you manage your symptoms. You’ll also have medical supervision while you undergo the cocaine detox process. The healthcare professionals around you are there to help manage your symptoms when you detox. Rehab is a safe space for you to get better and fight your addiction. There’s no need to worry or stress about potential withdrawal symptoms; you’ll be provided with all the support, guidance and advice you need.

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How Easily Can You Get Addicted to Cocaine?

Cocaine produces dopamine buildup wherever the brain has dopamine transporters. Cocaine is highly addictive; when you continue to take cocaine frequently, it’s easy to create an addiction. If you think either yourself or a loved one has an addiction brewing, the best course of action to take is to find a reliable, trustworthy addiction centre to attend. Cocaine is an illicit substance that is commonly taken as a powder.

Crack cocaine is smoked or injected and comes in the form of rock crystals. The drug creates a stimulant response in the body, giving people a high. Cocaine directly affects the brain and nerves, creating a euphoric feeling after one use. It’s a popular party drug, but even light recreational cocaine use can lead to a cocaine addiction. Anyone is at risk of having a panic attack, heart attack or stroke if they take too much cocaine.

Both Long and short-term cocaine abuse can cause a cocaine addiction, as people begin to struggle to have a good time when they’re out without using the drug. Cocaine is a class A drug for a reason, and it’s one of the most potent stimulants available. Unfortunately, many individuals fall into addiction after using cocaine and struggle to go about everyday life without it.


Recognising Your Cocaine Addiction

The first sign of a cocaine addiction is deciding you’re going to stop taking the drug but not being able to. Another sign of addiction is being unable to stop yourself from doing it at a party or on a night out when you’re consuming alcohol, where you typically come across cocaine. You might feel like you can’t get through a weekend without calling your dealer. If that’s you, you could have developed a cocaine addiction.

Another identifiable sign is if you take cocaine when it’s inappropriate to. For example, if you’re using cocaine to get through the day as opposed to at a party with your friends, it’s clear that you have an addiction. Once you develop physical dependence on cocaine, it’s hard for a day to pass without indulging.

If someone you know starts telling lies to use cocaine, steals funds from people around them, gets irritated easily, seems depressed or anxious, has difficulty sleeping or struggles to eat, they might be showing clear signs of an addiction to cocaine.

Cocaine addiction treatment allows you to overcome your addiction in the safest way possible. When you acknowledge your cocaine addiction and take control of your life, great things can happen. Addiction doesn’t rule you; although quitting cocaine is difficult, you can trust that the healthcare specialists around you will be there for you to answer any ongoing questions or safety concerns.


Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine withdrawal is what your body and mind go through when you decide to complete a cocaine detox. Choosing to detox from cocaine is the best thing you can do for yourself when you’re battling an addiction. In order to get rid of the harmful toxins in your body, you’ll have some withdrawal symptoms. Experiencing cocaine withdrawal symptoms is completely normal and expected.

Frequent cocaine use means you’ll experience cocaine withdrawal symptoms during your detox. It can be daunting to think about stimulant withdrawal symptoms, especially if you’ve been using cocaine heavily in recent months.

Withdrawal management (detox) is a type of substance abuse treatment that gets rid of any traces of cocaine in your system, allowing your body to heal. The cocaine withdrawal timeline differs for each individual; one person’s withdrawal symptoms could be complete to someone else.

In some cases, a medical detox is provided for those suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms. There’s a range of physical and psychological symptoms that people experience as they complete a cocaine detox. Common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include increased appetite, headaches, restlessness and shaking.

Psychological symptoms such as anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, unpleasant dreams, severe depression, cravings, mood swings, poor concentration, suicidal thoughts and irritability may also display themselves during the detox process. It’s vital that you undergo detox at a rehab clinic; experiencing withdrawal symptoms alone can not only be scary but also put your life at risk.


Overcoming Drug Abuse with Verve Healthcare

Overcoming drug addiction can be challenging, to say the least. Here at Verve Healthcare, we offer referral services to individuals seeking help with their addiction. Our team are highly experienced within the industry, having helped people from all walks of life. We kickstart your addiction recovery journey by finding you a suitable rehab centre in your area for you to attend.

Rehab is often seen as a scary, intimidating place; this isn’t the case. Rehab offers you everything you need in order to overcome your addiction to cocaine. You can attend treatment, support groups, one-on-one therapy and even learn relapse prevention techniques in case you get intense cravings in the future.

There’s a wide array of treatment options out there for you to consider. If you’d like to find out more about our services feel free to get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more information. We look forward to hearing from you and being able to assist you in your recovery process.


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