Are you living in England and suffering from a cocaine addiction? You could be able to get help from Verve Healthcare to get you through detox and rehab for drug addiction. Cocaine is a terrible substance to suffer an addiction to, but our experienced team is ready and waiting to help you.
Verve Healthcare rehab clinics were set up with you in mind; our specialist services and expertise allow us to find the best rehab for you. We know that most people only ever hear of rehab when they see their favourite celebrities go through it. Unfortunately, most people will never encounter a real rehab clinic, so they don’t know what to actually expect.
As it is, clients show up in rehab clinics expecting the glitz and glam of the celeb rehab lifestyle. What they get is often disappointing in comparison. We will find the most suitable rehab clinics for you. If you want to get off your cocaine addiction, you can come to us for professional referral services. You can attend a quality cocaine rehab centre that’s trustworthy and reliable when you choose Verve Healthcare for referral services.
The detox process shouldn’t be dealt with single-handedly; withdrawal symptoms from cocaine use and overall drug abuse are tedious. We help you get on the road to overcoming your drug problems. Whether you’re dependent on cocaine or other drugs, finding the right help is key.
If you are suffering from a cocaine addiction and want to quit, why not do it through us? You are much more likely to quit taking drugs forever the first time you go through detox if the rehab centre is right for you. Opt for the wrong one, and you lessen your chances of a smooth recovery.
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How Many People Have a Cocaine Addiction in the UK?
The NHS advises that only a fifth of all addicts receive cocaine addiction treatment in the UK. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how many addicts there are. This is particularly true when trying to discern who is addicted to what. Since narcotic drugs are, for the most part, illegal in this country, people are less likely to admit to their use.
However, a report from Sky News found that 70% of all drug users have used cocaine in the past. They cited a study, claiming it to be the largest of its kind ever made in the UK. A charity in Scotland set up an anonymous helpline and recorded broad details without storing personal information.
They found that cannabis was the most popular drug, with around 80% of all the callers admitting to using it regularly. Second on the list was cocaine, a highly addictive drug to which 70% admitted use. That’s almost three-quarters of all drug users.
Although it’s not able to pinpoint the exact numbers of cocaine addicts in the UK, the Guardian featured a similar study. They named 5.3% of all people between 15 and 34 in the UK as cocaine users.
They point out that the UK has the highest number of young cocaine users in the entirety of Europe. Their report covers a conversation with a representative from the EU Drugs Agency. The agency believes that the availability of cocaine is at an all-time high.
It is estimated that 181 tonnes of cocaine was used in Europe in 2018. It is safe to say that cocaine use is rife in Britain and throughout the rest of the world. Nevertheless, where there is cocaine, there are cocaine addicts.
Commonly snorted, powder cocaine is a short lived stimulant, unfortunately, used by many. Taking cocaine comes with an array of negative effects for the short term increased energy boost. It’s possible to snort, smoke and inject cocaine, but snorting cocaine is the most common method. Both injecting cocaine and snorting cocaine has an awful impact on your body and overall health.
Both cocaine and alcohol often go hand in hand, with many users struggling to consume alcohol without using cocaine or other drugs. Mixing cocaine and alcohol can be seriously dangerous. We aim to help individuals in need of trusted rehab facilities.
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How to Spot Cocaine Addiction Symptoms in Yourself?
If you, or someone you love, is using cocaine, they are already at risk of developing a cocaine dependence. You don’t have to be an everyday user to be a cocaine addict. Cocaine, and crack cocaine (the market leader in terms of cocaine ‘type’) are highly addictive substances. Both can cause addiction through regular use.
If you use it every Friday or Saturday night, for example, you may develop an addiction without realising it. Consider this; can you go a Friday or Saturday without it?
If the answer is no, then you may have an addiction problem. If you think you can, but then take a few drinks and find yourself calling your dealer, then you are still in the grips of addiction.
There is one big tell that lets you know if you are hooked on crack or cocaine. Simply stop taking it for a few weeks or go for a whole month. If you can do this without rushing back to it as soon as your allotted time is up, then you don’t have an addiction, yet.
Cocaine and Crack Cocaine addiction are tricky to spot. Once they take hold, however, they are just as likely to destroy your life as a heroin addiction. Class A drugs are so named because of their addictiveness and ability to have power over you.
Cocaine is a Class A drug regardless of which cocaine type you smoke or snort. Cocaine is regarded as one of the hardest drugs to quit since it is in this class. If you need to get help for your cocaine addiction, we are here.
Call Verve Healthcare on 0203 955 7703 right now for helpful, friendly, non-judgemental advice. You can even visit our contacts page if you are not confident on the phone and would prefer to email. So, we have discussed how to spot a cocaine addiction in yourself, but how do you spot addiction in someone you know or love? We explored this question a little, next.
How to Spot Cocaine Abuse in a Loved One?
If you suspect your loved one is going through an addiction problem, there are a few signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction to look out for. Cocaine addiction symptoms are relatively easy to spot once you know what you’re looking for.
Is your loved one tired and irritable often, particularly in the mornings? Do they disappear on the weekends or spend untold amounts of time with friends you are unsure of? If any of these seem familiar to you, cocaine addiction might be an issue.
If you spot any of the signs of cocaine addiction in your loved one, it’s important to act fast. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can vary from person to person, depending on how severe their addiction is. Cocaine affects people in different ways; symptoms of cocaine addiction can include the following.
Foggy Thinking
One of the main symptoms of cocaine addiction is a condition often described as ‘brain fog’. Brain fog accompanies cocaine withdrawal, as well as many other drug addictions. We know that there is a direct link between addiction and cognitive processes, which is amplified twofold if you have a mental illness and an addiction. See our page on dual diagnosis for more on this matter.
Exhaustion and Muscle Fatigue
Other prominent symptoms of cocaine addiction are exhaustion and muscle fatigue. When your body and brain are trying to rewrite the way they operate, you are going to find this exhausting. Everything you try to do will feel harder than normal. Every relationship will feel strained, every action will be more difficult.
This is why it is so important to take time off to recover. Doing so in a full-time cocaine residential rehab facility for cocaine addiction in the UK is most effective. We give you the best chance at recovery from addiction; we seek treatment that will work best in your favour.
No Pleasure
Expect your ability to feel pleasure to fade while you are in rehab for cocaine addiction. This is your brain focusing on correcting your metabolism, central nervous system, and hormones. It is far too busy to be throwing out serotonin.
This is yet another reason why getting help for addiction from a rehab clinic is essential when you are reliant on cocaine. We can help find the most suitable rehab, whilst providing you with all the information you need.
Mental Health Crises
Suicidal thoughts and tendencies go hand in hand with drug abuse. Rehab clinics are well equipped with medical teams and anti-depressants, as well as psychotherapists, counsellors, and psychiatrists, should you need them during the effects of a cocaine detox.
When we say that getting off cocaine is best done in a residential facility, this is why. Even if you don’t come to us and choose to deal with drug abuse somewhere else, make sure you don’t go through cocaine rehab alone; make sure you have trusted support groups around you.
Aches and Pains
When you are in rehab for drug abuse in the UK, you are subject to physical symptoms that can be worse than the mental and emotional ones. Alongside other tedious withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness and exhaustion combined, your body will start to misbehave as your nervous system interprets the lack of cocaine as a threat to your system.
It appeals more by making you physically hurt. You may find it difficult to even get out of bed at this point, which will further aggravate the mental health problems you are feeling.
Sweating and Shaking
As well as aches and pains, you should expect to sweat and shake quite a lot during recovery. Again, this is your body readjusting to life without substance abuse. Cocaine and crack cocaine alter the way your body processes everything that passes through it.
Before it can process anything else, it has to deal with the drugs. When you take them away, it feels like something is missing. Over time, all of these symptoms of cocaine addiction will pass. Expect to put on a little weight as you recover from cocaine abuse, simply because it operates as an appetite suppressant.
This is another way in which your brain will try to fool you. If you can get bursts of serotonin from eating good food instead of drug taking, you will feel better. It won’t be the same buzz, but it will feel like it is helping.
Our advice? Get off drugs in the safety and sanctity of a medical rehab clinic in England. With Verve Healthcare, you can trust us to find you a rehab centre. Rehab allows you to recover from cocaine abuse and even lose some of that addiction-quitting weight.
We can provide a number of exceptional therapies led by experts in their respective fields. Feel free to browse our pages to find out about the full range of treatments and therapies for cocaine addiction that we can refer you to.
Find Cocaine Addiction Treatment Near You
If you think you have an addiction, but aren’t quite ready to get help yet, then that’s okay. Bookmark our page and return when you feel ready. You can contact one of our supportive advisors, who will be able to talk you through potential future treatment plans.
Continuing to misuse cocaine can seriously impact your health long-term. To get help for cocaine misuse and quit drugs once and for all, call us today. Seeking treatment is the best first step you can take. We’re ready and waiting to help you find the most effective treatment for cocaine addiction.
Let us find you somewhere safe, warm, and comfortable in which to recover. Your recovery is our priority, and we can’t wait to assist you in finding reliable rehabilitation. Contact us below for more information.